SCL 1004 Iron Man - Insta-suit

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

josseroo · 702

I think a Regroup version of this will probably be better, but this deck was built to get a sense of how quickly the suit can get built...

Solo Champions League Season 10, Round 4 details:

  • Round 4 - Red Skull + Hydra Assault + Masters of Evil (04/10/22-04/23/22)
  • Difficulty: [Standard or Standard II] + [Expert or Expert II]
  • Hero: Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, Rocket Raccoon, Venom, or Gamora
  • Aspect: Leadership
  • TRoRS Campaign Upgrades: 1 x Tech Upgrade, 1x Condition Upgrade [Basic], & 2x Rescued Hero [Random]

*Before your first attempt, reveal two Rescued Heroes (Taskmaster) and shuffle them into your deck. Remove those heroes at the end of the game and shuffle the two remaining Rescued Heroes into your deck for your next attempt. For the final match, shuffle 1 random Rescued Hero from your first attempt and one random Rescued Hero from your second attempt into you deck. By the end of your three matches you should have seen all Rescued Heroes at least once and should have a different combination each attempt.