You Must Surrender Now - v2 - a multiplayer Vision Justice d

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
You Must Surrender Now - a multiplayer Vision Justice deck 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Scorpion0x17 · 284

v2 of this deck, updated specifically for a third attempt against Thanos, as part of a four-player run through the Mad Titan's Shadow campaign.

The idea behind the deck design is to have Vision flip both identity and mass forms, synchronising alter-ego with Intangible, and recur Vivian, every round so as to get effectively an 8 card turn every other round.

In practice, though, the deck is still a little slow to get up to speed, so I flipped less often. I will be making further changes to hopefully improve the speed, by reducing the overall cost curve, so expect a v3 soon.

If not facing Thanos, or another Stalwart villain, consider taking more stun and confuse.