Wanda's Ally Reborn Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

gman69 · 1

Wanda is always gonna exceed in Justice. However this variation of Leadership is designed to deal with just about any situation the game can offer.

Main Premise: There are three premise to this decks engine that That sets her up to get at least 1 ally per round at the COST OF 2.

You can hard pay for Black Panther or essentially use Chaos Magic To pay for his entrance witch allows you to pick up any Blue event. Depending on early game or mid to late game it can be a Make the Call or the Infamous Summoning Spell.

With these two together you set up Rapid response as soon as their together. To play Summon Spell and purposely use #Black Panther till he goes to discard pile to then bring back summon spell by the trigger of Rapid response. This essentially is a engine that can pay for even the most expensive Allies in the game for the price of 2.

When you do not have that combo that is where Make the Call and hard cast come in to recycle this combo. You do risk getting an extra encounter card early but you should have enough allies by this point to make up.

2nd is the Go down Swinging or Save the Day; Depending on your situation and how well your set up you can do damage or twart as much (Maybe slightly above average) Of a Justice deck. Hence with Make the call you could pay for that ally back. Not to mention if in the case you shuffle back your deck you can pay for an ally in someone else's deck.

Finally with Spiritual Meditation, Agatha Harkness, and assuming Quicksilver is in play you are your own engine draw to find whom or what you need. If you need to do damage its a great way to find Hex bolt or Molecular decay to do her damage or find her crest or even Magic Shields to prevent Indirect damage or otherwise damage her.

You can alter United we stand, team work and last stand for other options like Inspired, lead from the front and so on if you want more value.

Allies maybe substituted for other options fit to your play style. The Allies selected are designed to have when Enter's play effect with each payes their way of worth for their effect's. Depending on how you stack Allies their effects help wonderfully. Maria Hill 1 card draw for everyone, White tiger 1-3 card draw, Squirrle girl for anti tough and so on.