Commander Drax

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

JWalton77 · 1302

Drax is a simple man. He wants to do one thing and one thing only: build up his vengeance counters and attack for a lot.

And get healed by Mantis. Two things, two things only. Attack for a lot, and get healed by Mantis as often as possible using Rapid Recovery, Command Team, Inspiring Presence, and Make the Call.

Well, he would also like to ready whenever possible. Ok, three things, and three things only. Attack for a lot, get healed by Mantis, and ready using Major Victory along with all the aforementioned cards (minus Inspiring Leadership), as well as CITT.

While he’s at it, Drax would really like to draw some more cards if you don’t mind. So how about some card drawing allies and Assess the Situation to smooth out those 4 card hero hands? Aaaaaaaaand if said allies removed some threat every now and then that wouldn’t be so bad too.

So five things, and five things only. Build up his vengeance counters and attack for a lot, get healed by Mantis as often as possible, ready over and over and over, draw some cards, and remove some threat.

Drax is a simple man.


Feb 15, 2022 manvsdeck · 1

Drax lacks the required "Avenger" keyword to play Inspiring Presence. You might consider Ready for Action instead to give tough status cards to your allies so they can absorb more attacks for you.

Feb 15, 2022 JWalton77 · 1302

@manvsdeckThank you so much! I completely overlooked that. Really appreciate it