Hulk's counterpunch

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
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gamma fiend · 11

Hulk is a master of damage.

So, if you love Hulk you have to love doing as much pain as fast as possible with cards like Counter-punch or Hulk smash.

To remove any state that could frustrate our attacks or thwarts, The Night Nurse will take care of us.

On the other hand, it is always interesting having cards that will constantly be punishing our enemies, without the need of defend like Dauntless or Immovable Object.

Let's tackle the two main disadvantages of Hulk. It is not his hand size but how expensive is paying a resource when we need it. If we need to pay 1 cost we're losing the 25% of our hand as heroe. We make available the resources that we need WHEN we need with Enhanced Physique, Helicarrier, Quincarrier and Banner's Laboratory.

Hulk's events are powerful, but they are absolutely a "push your luck" when you need one of them. Dear Hulk lovers, we have to admit that the emerald giant is a disaster for thwarting. We need to relay on friends that receive only one damage for thwarting and can thwart by two each turn: Heimdall, Nick Fury, Star-Lord and War Machine.

Med Team translates a cost of three resources in three healing counters. These counters heal 6 points to our allies. Because our allies spend 1 point of life in thwarting two points, in the end we invest 3 resources on thwarting 12 points of a plan.

When needed, Med Teams can also enable the Dauntless upgrade.

Now, go out and smash!