Quicksilver Red Ready, Ready, Ready...

Card draw simulator

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Deathcombo · 14

In order to perform the OTK combo for 120 DAMAGE!...

Ensure these assets are in play first (at the minimum):

  1. Friction Resistance (enables you to use Jarnbjorn for free after every basic attack)
  2. Jarnbjorn (allows you to deal 2 damage to an enemy)
  3. Reinforced Sinew (adds +1 to ATK, 2 now)
  4. Combat Training (adds +1 to ATK, 3 now); at this point you can do 10 damage per turn, every turn.
  5. 3xEnhanced Physique (these will pay for the 3xTenacity to ready your hero)
  6. 3xTenacity which gives you 3 more readies/swings.
  7. 3xResourceful & either Helicarrier, Quincarrier, Deft Focus, Enhanced Reflexes, or some combination of 4 of these cards to pay for 4xAlways Be Running. Of these cards, you need an additional 2 more to pay for Maximum Velocity.
  8. Avengers Mansion for 1 extra card draw
  9. Scarlet Witch for a discard 2, draw 3 cards for a net of 1 extra card
  10. Optionally, you can have Hall of Heroes in play for 3 more card draw assuming you can kill enough minions to enable it beforehand.
  11. Optionally, you can also have Serval Industries in play in case some of the combo pieces are in the discard pile, you can reshuffle 2 into your deck.
  12. In addition to Scarlet Witch, you want 2 more Avengers allies for a total of 3 Avengers allies. Keep them ready so you can use Earth's Mightiest Heroes on each of them and give Quicksilver 3 more readies/swings.
  13. And finally you need 3xAdrenaline Rush in play which gives a +1 ATK each until the end of the phase!

Now that you have the right assets in place, you should flip to Alter-Ego and try to draw these 8 cards:

8 cards (6 alt ego hand, plus AM draw, plus SW draw):

  1. 1 MV (Maximum Velocity) for +2 ATK
  2. 4 ABR (Always Be Running) for 4 extra readies/swings
  3. 3 EMH (Earth's Mightiest Heroes) for 3 extra readies/swings

Once you have the 8 cards in your hand, flip to Hero. Remember your Quicksilver has 1 innate ATK, Reinforced Sinew and Combat Training adds 2 more ATK. So you have 3 ATK when you attack, then you exhaust Friction Resistance to generate a red fist resource, which pays for Jarnbjorn's 2 damage, so that's a total of 5 damager per swing, just from assets 3+2 (JB&FR combo) = 5. Now if we add the following ATK values from our unsustainable one-time use cards:

  1. +2 ATK from MV (pay for this with a resource generator from #7 above)
  2. +3 ATK from Adrenaline Rush (discard to activate)
  3. Total: 10 damage per swing

Multiply by the number of swings you can generate:

  1. 2 swings (from being a cool Super Speed Response Hero)
  2. +3 Tenacity (discard to activate, and exhaust Enhanced Physique to pay for them)
  3. +4 ABR (pay for this with a resource generator from #7 above)
  4. +3 EMH (play on 3 ready Avenger allies)
  5. Total: 12 swings

Total of 120 (10 damage X 12 swings) damage from dream hand and draw.

P.S. Remember you have Sustained damage of 10 per turn [(2+JB&FR combo) x 2 swings]

How to play early turns up to end game:

  1. Prioritize infinite use Resource Generators like Quincarrier, Helicarrier, Deft Focus, Friction Resistance.
  2. Prioritize Scarlet Witch and stat boosters (including Jarnbjorn).
  3. Prioritize other allies to chump block.
  4. Prioritize limited use Resource Generators like Enhanced Physique.
  5. Prioritize Hall of Heroes if there are minions to fight.
  6. Then play cards to keep tempo and survive (see RULE of THUMB below)
  7. At this point, try to play Serval Industries or any other assets as described under the OTK combo section that you have not played yet.
  8. Once you reach enough damage for the kill, unleash the combo.


You must SURVIVE at all costs. Hopefully, you have a team that can help with different roles.

  1. If the scheming is too crazy, prioritize Hyper Perception and Double Time to keep the threat level at bay. If you see Maximum Velocity or ABR, then use them to lower more threat. You can also use your allies to help thwart.
  2. If there are a lot of minions to fight, then that is great, build towards the OTK combo and you will naturally keep the board clear of minions.
  3. If you think defense is better, prioritize Accelerated Reflex. However as a general strategy, you the cheap allies to chump block which allows you to stay in Hero form longer to handle business.