Iron Man Aggressive Energy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

EricHorner · 2

This deck works… but it’s not flashy.

There are 21 Energy resource cards which give you a solid 5-7 damage average on your Repulsor Blasts.

Obviously, build your suit upgrades ASAP. If possible, don’t switch to your hero form until you have 4 upgrades on your suit.

Use your allies to help protect you while you build.

Don’t forget that Plasma Pistol counts as a tech and will increase your hand size in hero form

If you want, you can bring Hand Cannon into the game for something else… it will give you the hand size advantage even though you won’t ever use it really. It can be a place holder while you’re building.