Black Widow - Sneaky Response

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DAVEzilla · 9

Sneak Attack + Captain Marvel + Get ready / Command Team + Rapid Response = <3<3<3

The Captain Marvel recursion with Rapid Response is bonkers for rushing, triggered 2 Rapid Responses back to back on a turn (wish the deck had more energy resource cards for consistency, might have got lucky).

(Tested against Red Hood Expert II (with 7 of his modulars), and squeezed a win...)

Suggestions are welcome.

(thinking about replacing the Triskelion; possibly Mockingbird and Maria Hill also, when playing solo)


Feb 07, 2022 JoeRed · 1

Cool deck, looking it over it looks like it can pack a punch!