Believe it or not, Hulk can Thwart as much as he Damages!!!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Professorkid · 13

The Basis of this deck is to build up Hulk's basic Attack and then using it to "Smash the Problem" to remove threat and "Quick Strike" to do damage without losing your buffs. Since Hulk's not using his basic attack, he's free to defend in the Villain Phase minimizing damage taken, but on those turns when he needs to be ready to play "Smash the Problem", he can use "Counter-Attack" and "You'll Pay for That!" to turn the Villain's attacks into Damage and Thwart. Allies "Blade" and "Spider-Girl" can be used to block and minimize damage to Hulk and "First Aid" can help keep him in Hero form longer. With this deck you should find Hulk is able to remove threat almost as well as he can deal damage and allows him to be a valuable contributor to any team or even solo mode.