Locked and Loaded

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Precon Recon · 630

Welcome back to Precon Recon, the series dedicated to making the most thematic decks out of the finite Marvel Champs card pool! Today, we'll be taking a gander at the undercover agent known as Agent Venom, a hero that has been highlighted as one of the most effective heroes in the game's roster. For our full write-up, be sure to stop by our BGG post here: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2807603/1-2-punchboards-precon-recon-venom

Putting Himself In Every Swing

Venom lives and breathes off of his ability to generate a resource every round, allowing him to pay for more expensive cards and to pay for cards that might require specific resources for them to be fully effective. So, the meat-and-potatoes of the deck are cards like Concussive Blow, For Justice!, and Crisis Averted, coupling with Venom's core events to make for a deck that can handle just about anything.

Mulligan priorities are as follows:

  • Project Rebirth 2.0: Even more than your guns, this card will keep you alive for most of your game. It can give you an extra card turn 1 of the game and give you a tantalizing option every time you flip down, healing you for a decent amount while giving you the option of another card.
  • Multi-Gun: You may be able to pull it with your Set-Up effect, but having it in hand will allow you to guarantee it hitting the table as soon as humanly possible.
  • Locked and Loaded: Worst case scenario, you can always use this event to search for the gun you need at a given moment.
  • Side Holster: This will allow you to hold all your guns at once, meaning you never have to worry about whether you can legally put Sonic Rifle into play again.
  • Spider-Sense: Extra card draw is never a bad thing, although it isn't the most important card in the world, as you'll be spending a lot of your game flipping back and forth.
  • Your other guns: This is a tricky balance, as you need to pay for the guns you draw and you don't want to draw too many, or else your Set-Up will just deck you out. Get a feeling for what's needed and play smart to avoid screwing yourself from turn 1.

Most of your game will consist of playing what events you can to tear down the "problem of the turn", whether it be threat, a minion, or the main baddie, all the while setting up Confuse status cards to allow you to flip back down with some regularity and heal up using Project Rebirth 2.0. You've got a tool in your arsenal for just about every contingency.

Venom is largely a character who operates on his own, but if there's one person he would team up with in a heartbeat, it's his role model and old classmate Peter Parker. The fact that Venom can pay for Spider-Man pretty consistently is, of course, another big factor, so the web-slinger himself will be on hand for those pesky side schemes you need to remove from the table.

And yeah, with Venom, there's not much more to it than that. Thanks for stopping by and checking out our build, and be sure to take a gander at our other Precon Recon decks, all organized for your consumption over on our Discord channel: https://discord.gg/EUGYnJRQsM. We also will leave update notes in each hero's channel to let you know when we've made any adjustments or changes. And with that, we'll see you next time!