Punch Cop

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PureFlight · 10

Punch the crime right out of'em!

This here's a solo She-Hulk list that relies on passively minimizing the threat from the scheme. Why?

  • You can flip back to Jenny all the time without fear of the scheme running out.
  • You can spend your She-Hulk actions attacking as much as possible - it's the best number on her card!
  • Aggression She-Hulk has a really high damage output, so you will want to shore up her relative weakness: Threat on Schemes

Basically, this deck wants to maximize use of She-Hulk's basic Attack action and Jennifer's Recovery action, flipping every turn to get the most amount of damage from "Do You Even Lift?!"

The main ways of dealing with Threat are:

  1. Superhuman Law Division: You're going to want this down every game. The deck is full of icons to feed to SLD, giving you a near-constant anti-threat drip.
  2. Emergency + Jenny: These cards are basically doing the same thing, and you'll be in Jenny mode near half the game so you should get lots of play out of the Emergencies.
  3. Chase Them Down: You'd kill the minions off anyways. Might as well get rewarded for it. Plus the Relentless + Chase combo is sweet like candy.
  4. Legal Practice: Strong, expensive, but flexible.
  5. Allies: As a last resort, you can Thwart with your Allies.

This gives you a ton of options every turn to maintain the threat, buying you enough time to cycle through your deck and find your powerful events. Uppercut, Relentless Assault, Gamma Slam, and Superhuman Strength all give you a ton of offensive power.

Tenacity is there instead of First Aid because it's more flexible and because flipping is awesome for Jenny. You can Recover and Attack in the same turn, or Double Attack if possible. It's stacking with One-Two Punch so you can get a ton of use out of her basic actions. This ability to attack, flip, and heal means you may be able to get more use out of Focused Rage throughout the game as well.

The main drawback to this deck is its reliance on events and disposable Upgrades and Allies. You won't make it through your deck as quickly the second time through because very little actually stays on the table. So Mansion and Focused Rage are important parts to get up and running. Also the lack of Helicarrier could mean her economy long-term isn't great.

I'm having a blast with this deck, and I'm always up for feedback!