Iron Man - Meditation (Justice)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ManNtheArena · 16

I updated this deck to a no allies deck after further testing

Removed: Agent Coulson, Nick Fury, Two Against the World, Counterintelligence(2), Deft Focus, Quincarrier, Under Surveillance(1)

Added: Turn the Tide(3), Ready to Rumble(2), Plasma Pistol(1), For Justice(2)

I wanted to play around with the new basic card called Meditation from the Vision Hero Pack. When I saw it, I immediately thought about an Iron Man build.

Since the Vision cards aren't yet selectable, I used the Spiritual Meditation to represent it as they have similar characteristics.

Meditation is a 0 Cost Basic Mental Resource Card. Meditation is basically a 3 resource card that can only be used as an alter-ego action. Very versatile card that has the following text:

Alter-Ego Action: Exhaust your alter-ego -> play a card from your hand, reducing its resource cost by 3.

Meditation combos with Tony Starks ability to 3 card draw and keep 1. I frequently get Meditation on Turn 1 or at least Turn 2 and can then get out early high cost cards like Sonic Rifle, Pepper Potts, Beat Cop, etc.

I tested and tweaked the deck going solo against Expert Klaw and Expert Ultron. The deck handles well against both opponents. Will lose to crazy card draws from either opponent and bad luck in my card draws to start the game.


Meditation - The core element of the deck. Unless really unlucky, allows me to get built out in just a few turns. Can be a challenge sometimes because you have to exhaust your character to play Meditation. Works better when Iron Man isn't your primary threat reduction, but in early game he typically is relied upon to do this. Getting Arc Reactor early is really beneficial with Meditation. Meditation becomes useful in late game by providing fuel for the boots to go Aerial.

Turn the Tide and For Justice - Hardly use For Justice (can help get you out of a jam), but Turn the Tide I used all the time. Great card.


Took out the Power of Justice cards. Meditation if managed right, pays for most of my high end Upgrades/Support. Power of Justice cards were just taking up space and they don't count for Repulsor Blast.


Beat Cop - Can be played with one Meditation card. Helpful for Thwart and Minion control. The game moves fast, so I didn't always get to use it. Nice to play when I didn't have anything else for Meditation.

Interrogation Room - Useful when there are lots of minions (Ultron)

Endurance / Ready to Rumble - Endurance is kind of overkill, but is useful early game if Mark V Armor is unavailable. Ready to Rumble got me out of a few jams and is very useful because you are flipping every turn.

Herioc Intuition / Down Time - Very useful. I almost never defend or basic attack with Iron Man, so his only actions are typically thwarting, recovering, or meditating on his turn. Arc Reactor is key to maximizing this build.

Plasma Pistol - Useful, an energy resource card, and a tech card. Its restricted so you can only play two, but the third is useful for Stark Tower and can be played if I burn up one of them on the board.

Sonic Rifle - Very useful. Confusing Klaw or Ultron (crucial for Klaw) before flipping to Tony Stark was great. Have two of them to make sure one is always on hand. I try to keep them both on the board so Repulsor Blast doesn't draw it. Useful as an extra resource card for Stark Tower.

Under Surveillance - Must have for single player IMO. Though I against Ultron I have one without ever playing one.

Play Against Expert Klaw

Klaw starts out with two side schemes and a minion on turn one. Optimally, you want to take out the Accelerator side scheme and the minion on turn one. There is a chance for game over if you can't take out the minion and Klaw gets lucky. Klaw gets two boost cards and an encounter card where he may attack you again.

You really need the Mark V Armor or Endurance early on or you can easily not make it past your first flip. You can take a chance and not flip on turn 1, but Klaw will almost always finish his first scheme if you don't. You will need to chance it on Turn 2 and hope for the best.

Most important tech to start with is the Arc Reactor, Sonic Rifle, and Mark V Armor. Arc Reactor will allow you to Meditate and Recover or Thwart on the same turn. You want to have Meditation pay for the Sonic Rifle / Mark V Armor, if not then you may want to choose other armor upgrades because of the extra cards it will bring.

If you get Heroic Intuition on your first turn, then you can wipe out both side schemes before flipping back to Tony. (if you didn't play Meditation on turn one or played Meditation and didn't get the Arc Reactor).

If I get a Repulsor blast or Supersonic punch, then this may be enough to take out the minion.

The first couple of turns will be the most interesting and you may have to take some risks, but there are several ways to get through those turns with this deck. After 2 or 3 turns, you should be set up, have control of the board, and coasting to victory.

This is my first deck build, so would be curious if there are ways to improve it.


Jan 17, 2022 Onions · 80

Great idea! The only problem I see is that you can't play Quincarrier in alter-ego. Maybe replace it with Helicarrier or a second Beat Cop. Also, why no Jessica Jones? She is an energy resource and can thwart for huge amounts when there are side schemes out.

Jan 17, 2022 ManNtheArena · 16

Good catch on Quincarrier! I didn't realize that until you pointed it out.

Jessica Jones and Quake have been in and out. I had Agent P in for the card draw, but Jessica would be better for the reasons you stated. One thing I noticed was that I really don't need allies (except in the early game). So I'm tweaking the deck to see how feasible a no allies deck would be.

Its turning into a flip everytime and hit with the Sonic Rifle (paid for with Meditation hopefully deck.

Also trying to make changes to make Repulsor Blast more consistent.

I am still winning, but not as consistently. Klaw getting a huge first turn with bad initial card draw from Iron Man can be hard to recover from.

I'll post the new deck once I've finished testing it.

Thank you for the comments!