Remedy's Captain Marvel - Aggression GHC (solo, expert)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RandomDeckBuilder · 317

This deck was used in part of a challenge series Xyceres set to complete each hero/aspect combination in solo while playing each core set villain on expert with a random modular set.

My run was:

Rhino - Doomsday Chair: Win

Klaw - Legions of Hydra: Win

Ultron - Legions of Hydra: 1 Win 1 Loss

This run took 4 games total to finish. I was extremely surprised how effective captain marvel works with the aggression aspect. With Tac Team and Relentless Assault the extra energy resources still work towards Captain Marvel's strengths, with haymaker, combat training and uppercuts to add additional sources of damage. Hulk in this build is more often than not going to deal 1 to each character or 2 additional with a reduced chance of discarding himself. The deal 1 to each character became extremely relevant vs Ultron.

I look forward to a larger aggression card pool to work with.

Thanks for taking the time to read, I look forward to sharing the next run in the very near future.