SCL903 - Ant-Man Tougher Than All Y'all V2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
SCL903 - Ant-Man Tougher Than All Y'all 2 2 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

josseroo · 702

V2 of this deck swaps out an Honorary Avenger for the Victor Mancha ally from the Vision pack

Ant-Man takes on...

  • Solo Champions League Season 9, Round 3 - Infiltrate the Museum + Running Interference + Galactic Artifacts (01/02/22-01/22/21)
  • Hero: Ant-Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk or Star-Lord
  • Aspect: Protection
  • Units: 4 [GMW Marketplace]

Proxies and market cards: