Remedy's She-Hulk - Leadership: GHC (solo, expert)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RandomDeckBuilder · 323

This deck was used in part of a challenge series Xyceres set to complete each hero/aspect combination in solo while playing each core set villain on expert with a random modular set.

My run was:

Rhino - Legions of Hydra: Win

Klaw - Under Attack: Win

Ultron - Masters of Evil: 1 Win 5 Losses

This run took 8 games total to finish. 3 x make the call felt very strong to recur Hawkeye over and over again vs Ultron. 3 x Emergency was a contingency card to address turns where I felt I needed to flip back to Jennifer Walters to either draw more or dodge damage. You could cut 1-2 emergency for haymaker or lead from the front both of which would offer energy resources for vision. I used allies for defenders frequently and therefore ended up on no inspired. Get ready felt solid against all 3 villains.

Thanks for taking the time to read, I look forward to sharing the next run in the very near future.