Groot (Attempt at Deck building)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Weenkster · 31

first attempt at building Groot leadership. comments and criticism welcome! I know it’s 41 cards but I’m back and forth on Endurance.


Nov 04, 2021 MacGhille · 251

I think you could easily solve your 41 card issue by dropping The Power of Leadership to 1 card.

Generally, I view the resource cards as fodder for removal, since I would often rather have a functional aspect card in the mid/late game than another resource generator. And since TPoL is conditional, it is the first resource card I would cut.

Alternatively, you could cut Knowhere, since you can control 3 allies natively and only have 7 total in your deck. I think The Triskelion is performing more of a 'hopeful benefit' role than being truly functional. Though Yondu and Hawkeye, can survive considerably longer than most allies if you don't chump block with them.

As a final alternative, I think you can easily remove one of the three Blaze of Glory. Since ten of the cards in your deck are 'permanents' (upgrades and support that persist throughout the game) you have a lot of deck thinning going on already, so you are not going to have to worry too much about encountering events.

It seems like your focus is getting Groot his growth counters and using them offensively, so maybe think about further enhancing your line of defense with Ironheart or Mockingbird.

Just my thoughts on streamlining your build. It appears you are building a straight Groot-Leadership deck, and I don't see any specific synergies or exploits in play. You might consider replacing a 'Get Ready' or two with allies, since there doesn't seem to be a strong argument for having your allies act twice that is more important that always having an ally ready to play. Or perhaps swap out Regroup for Rapid Response so that you can immediately have an effective ally in play for only one extra resource.

If you go that route, then maybe ditch a blaze of Glory and Get Ready in exchange for some First Aid or Ready for Action, thus ensuring your allies last longer on the table.

Again, just some possible alternatives. I really like the deck, and a version of it will likely hit my table this week.
