The best boi

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Blansaw · 7

The idea behind this build is to drop Cosmo as fast as you can and get him souped up with as many upgrades as possible. This first draft is more heavily focused on doing damage, but you could add more upgrades to up his thwart. Once he's out you'll want to spend some time in alter-ego mode every turn to get the information on the top card of a deck so you can make him into a perpetual value engine, meanwhile you can just play whatever cards are in your hand to make spider-woman's ability work too. I've played it a few times and it's a lot of fun, but it loses some of it's impact in a 4-player game.


Nov 04, 2021 MacGhille · 251

I like the idea of finding a new home for Cosmo other than with Dr. Strange.

I think I would change one or two things first to streamline it. First, I would ditch the Mighty Avengers, since only Captain Marvel is an Avenger which means even one other ally negates this bonus.

I would also remove Power Gloves for the same reason. Only Captain Marvel will benefit.

I would add in Reinforced Suit to replace both of these, since it is not team specific, and would greatly benefit Cosmo's (or any other ally's) survival.