Hawkeye: Life As A Weapon

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Schwall · 192

Hawkeye is known for his expert bowmanship. But it is also a fairly well known fact he is a top tier fighter with any weapon in his hands (or without any, for that matter). This deck explores that by giving him some other tools of the trade to really beat down on any opponent in his way.

Let's get down to it. Side Holster allows you to have an additional weapon in play. Leveraging that, we put Hand Cannon and Jarnbjorn into play to give him some extra options to work with other than "just" his bow. Jarnborjn is really good for finishing off weakened minions, or even plinking off someone's tough status. Hand Cannon, along with Combat Training can get your basic attack up to 6, which will usually overkill through at least a couple points of damage onto the main villain. "Fusillade" also is able to effectively function as another arrow in the extremely rare case you don't have any, or of course can also exhaust one of the other weapons. Also, to go with the theme of Hawkeye being an expert, all around combatant, Martial Prowess fits in nicely, though it will most often be used effectively as a third copy of Expert Marksman.

The allies were chosen for a few reasons. 1) They help with Hawkeye's weak thwarting; 2) They all share Avenger and/or SHIELD with Hawkeye/Clint so they can be cheated out with Team-Building Exercise and Helicarrier; 3) When your quiver is full or you have a hand full of arrows, play Earth's Mightiest Heroes to exhaust them and ready Hawkeye to keep readying his bow to rain down arrows.

Other and general strategy notes:

  1. Hawkeye's Quiver is top priority as it really makes this whole thing run so much more smoothly. Aggressively dig for it if it doesn't wind up in your opening hand(s). Having a full quiver really helps once you get to the late game, and can get you out of a pinch any time before it.
  2. Next most important cards would be, in order: Team-Building Exercise, Helicarrier, and Quincarrier. Team-Building helps you get your allies onto the table, and can even assist with getting Helicarrier and Quincarrier as well, which is why Team-Building should ideally come first. Once you have it all in place, you can use the resource from Quincarrier to do the bounce action on Mockingbird to protect from attacks, and then cheat her right back out next turn using Team-Building.

Oct 21, 2021 Master_GM · 604

Awesome deck. Love the Mockingbird bounce idea. Plus Martial Prowess acting as a third copy of Expert Marksman is genius.