Tree of Woe /// Groot Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Tree of Woe /// Groot Aggression edit mickey 3.0 new 0 0 0 4.0

StayOnTheLeader · 2066

This deck is the answer to a question that got asked by Brandt Sanderson on Facebook, of which hero and aspect was the worst/hardest/weakest. What immediately came to mind was Groot Aggression and browsing MCDB it seemed I'm right and nobody has really made Groot Aggression a thing yet.

I love a challenge and after mulling it over I think there's probably a reason why it's not been a thing until now, but that #Energy Spear in the Nebula expansion probably gives Groot Aggression a reason to exist.

The basic shape of the plan is that you're going to use Groot as a sponge for villain activations and damage, buying time for your allies to do all the hard work of bringing the villain down for you. It flips the usual dynamic of allies chump-blocking so your hero and do the dirty work, and once you've got an Energy Spear on somebody like Drax or Gamora you'll rapidly start taking chunks out of the villain. Stick Energy Spear onto Drax and you're getting +8 damage from that 1 resource over Drax's next few attacks, +10 if you back it up with an Honorary Guardian too... that's the cost efficiency that you're trying to take advantage of.

It's a solid plan and it's worked well for me so far. Most of the time the cards that buff Groot's ATK or THW won't be too important but with Deft Focus they're free to put into play and thin your deck out, and although the broad shape of the plan is for Groot to block for his allies to live you should always look out of the chance to sacrifice the last health on a Bug or a Martinex in order to let Groot stay ready and have an attack or thwart with that +2 boost behind it.

For a hero I've never used and who's supposed to be bad in this faction... I like this!


Dec 23, 2021 azmodael · 3

Funny. I had similar thoughts but arrived on the conclusion that Groot agression is actually amazing.

Granted this works better in multiplayer. As groot you want to flip every round and you are somewhat lacking in THW. I might rework this as Justice deck instead for mass confusion.

But the crux of the red deck is the cheap ally spam to take hits for you. Groot's hero cards are absolutely amazing if you are stacked and dead draw if you are not. All are superpowers too and 5 events are attack events.

So you want to be stacked and this means flipping! So we flood the board with dirt cheap allies to block for us.

Here is my own idea. Its risky in single player as you are low on THW and you need to flip but stuningly amazing in multiplayer.