Hawkeye Aggro - SCL Season 8 Round 2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MathyNoodles · 54

Warning: Use at your own risk. Hawkeye is baaaaaaaaaaad in this matchup. And also just solo in general.

Quick notes:

For the love of god never throw away a cable arrow. You legitimately cannot afford the lose the thwart.

Hand Cannon seems like a weird choice, but I've almost never found it necessary to use Hawkeye's hero ability to try and get a second arrow off. You're gonna be using him to attack a huge majority of the time.

Use Sonic Arrow. Your health sucks and there's a ton of non-preventable damage coming in, so you're gonna wanna flip and heal whenever you can.

Likewise, try and make it a priority to get Endurance and Down Time out whenever you draw them.