Adam Warlock leads the guardians bootcamp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

wehehe · 156

Here it comes a deck of Adam Warlock leading the Guardians of the Galaxy.

In order to maximize the benefit of Adam's cards, I decided to leave out of the deck the double resources, and some of good neutral cards. The only neutral card in the deck is Knowhere, which is good as the deck has 9 guardian allies (sorry for you Pip the Troll, you are still very usefull, but not when all the setup is made).

The card Draw with this deck is insane. once you have played Guardians of the Galaxy and Knowhere, you draw two cards after the first ally you play each round. You want to keep them alive, because they can help you draw even more with Strength In Numbers, generate resources with Band Together, and all got their attack boosted with Boot Camp. That's why I put Med Team in the deck. Team Training is also great for that, anf it has great sinergy with Starhawk, allowing you to attack two times for 3 (if you have Boot Camp in play), return to your hand, and be played again for 2 and drawing two new cards. Martyr works perfectly as a minion-slayer and defender, but if you have to defend, you have Armored Vest which sets yoir defense attribute to a respectable 3.

All this sinergies also work very well with Adam's own signature cards, specially with Mystic Senses which generate even more card draw.

I've just tested the deck against Green Goblin (Normal and Hard modes) and it just won both games without any problems. Maybe it has been just luck but it looks like a powerful deck. What can I say for sure os that it is a lot of fun to play it.


Sep 24, 2021 wehehe · 156

Ok, my bad, I completely misread Guardians of the Galaxy. I read " an upgrade or an ally" instead of "an upgrade on an ally". That changes completely the deck. What a stupid error...