Green Spider-Man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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CBowen · 19

Spiderman tiene una gran defensa de base una habilidad disparada cuando el villano le ataca, había que aprovecharlo.

Para eso el armored vest, 3x desesperate defense y 3x indomitable permiten a Spiderman estar siempre preparado.

El gran problema de Spiderman es la intervención para eso 3x hard to ignore aprovecha cuando se defiende para quitar amenaza y con monckingbird, 2x webbed Up aturdes al enemigo y puedo usar 3x Bait and Switch y con war machine y Luke Cage detener los ataques.

Spiderman has a great base defense an ability triggered when the villain attacks him, you had to take advantage of it.

For that the armored vest, 3x desparate defense and 3x indomitable allow Spiderman to always be ready.

The big problem with Spiderman is the intervention for that 3x hard to ignore take advantage of when defending to remove threat and with monckingbird, 2x webbed Up you stun the enemy and I can use 3x Bait and Switch and with war machine and Luke Cage stop the attacks.