Annoy your Friends by taking long a** turns

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Danimal0808 · 426

Everyone know playing with someone who takes forever long turns is the worse lol. So, this deck was created to create long turns every round so that your puny friends turns are lame compared to yours. Because you want... nay you need to be able to laugh in your friends face and say "oh... is that it?" This asserts your superior game play because you draw more cards and played more cards. (fyi this is all in jest)

The Goal: Take long turns by drawing everything in your deck TWICE.

Early game: You need to get setup to preform these massive draws so you will need to get your allies on the board and keep them there. Here is the purpose of each ally:

Ant-Man: Cheap ally that can help you control things early and block if need be.

Stringer: Her ability allows you to have 6 allies in play once you have Avengers tower and triskelion.

Hawkeye (Kate): Cheap ally but it useful to deal damage while not taking consequential damage. And since you will have lots of cards in your hand using one to deal damage is ok. She is also a key target for skycycle so you can use her action multiple times around.

War Machine: Even though he cost more this is not a big deal because of power in all of us & a ton of cards. He can be used to block with his tough and he can control some threat or deal damage in a pinch. Wonder Man: Cheap ally but with the ton of cards you will have the option to use his big ATK stat.

Wong: This is priority #1 of the allies bc he can help you cycle through your invocations to get to the winds of watomb. You also need to get Honorary Avengers on him so he gets the avenger trait. This is needed to increase your ally limit with Avengers Tower and so you can get a skycycle on him so he can cycle invocation deck faster.

Upgrades: Endurance: 3 HP can be a needed boost & it stays on the table to thin your deck. HA: Wong Sorcerer Supreme: duh cards Skycycle: Wong & Hawkeye are the key targets. But 3 are included so you can hit SIN twice in the same round and maybe even 3 times with Avengers Assemble.

Supports: Supports are $$$

Events: Assess the Situation: card replaces it self the following round. Everytime I had 1 I played it before I would draw so it would cycle back through my deck. I was able to play 5 ATS in a single round because I just kept cycling my deck. Spiritual Meditation: Draw cards and dig for what you need. Great deck cycler Strength in Numbers: Once setup 6 cards, plus 3 after you skycycle, plus 6 after Avengers Assemble. Early game this is worthless but mid to late game this will check you drawing. (For maximum annoyance lol)