Venom Vigilante

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

lithoniel · 4

This solo deck beat most villains on expert mode, including: Rhino, the entire Rise of Red Skull campaign (expert mode/expert campaign), and the first four GMW scenarios in expert, but not in campaign mode. It was one turn away, based on cards in hand, from beating Ronan but he managed to kill me first. As he does. Klaw, Ultron, and Ronan all ended up being beat on expert with an aggression deck. All three of those decks needed something with more damage to deal with the minions.

Target Acquired was added mostly to the deck based on my first play through of the GMW campaign and needing them to finish it off, but in the end I never used them and I would cut them if I were to do it again. The point of the deck was to try to keep the villain confused to be able to flip down and clear all the damage off Venom. Most of the time it worked. Scare Tactic was added because of that strategy to get more damage, but I never really used that with any effect either. The Groot ally was essential, especially in Ronan, where he could block the high damage minions forever.

With Ronan, the main issue was not being able to do enough to Ronan to finish him off before either threating out or getting knocked out. I was able to get to Ronan III at least 3x out of 10 or so attempts, but was never able to finish. If I had kept trying, I was planning to add Down Time and trying #C.I.T.T. for the ability to ready. Especially toward the mid-end game when I did have a lot of dead hands with a lot of thwart cards with potentially very little threat on the scheme - or just two cards after using something like grasping tendrils during the villain phase and not having enough to do anything with what remained in my hand. Usually on Ronan I would have to defend with Venom and have no way to ready, and thus without my main source of damage with Venom. The main problem with that was that it wouldn’t ready his pistols, which would have made it less efficient. I think this deck would have been able to beat him eventually, but I ended up going back to the aggression deck I used for Klaw and Ultron which, while I was worried about threat, ended up working very well. Although on campaign mode, that might have been harder in solo due to the extra side schemes from the campaign cards and Badoon Headhunter set. I had a lot of fun experimenting with this hero while waiting for more scenarios.