Tubthumping (I get knocked down...)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

... but I get up again, you are never going to keep me down.

This deck uses Cap's I Can Do This All Day, along with Indomitable and Desperate Defense to have him constantly get ready. It's a fun theme, but also really powerful, especially in multiplayer.

The goal of this deck is to have Captain America to defend as much as possible, and this works best in a multiplayer game. It's entirely possible to have him defend for four players and retaliate for a total of 12 when he makes use his 14 defence cards.

Super-Soldier Serum isn't a hero action, so it can generate resources on the villain phase, so along with Nerves of Steel, he will have access to 3 resources to pay for all these 1-cost defence cards. Quincarrier is also a possible resource on villain phase, but I like to keep it available for Black Widow in multiplayer. (Alternatively you could substitute Get Behind Me, but that only targets treachery though).

With Cap defending at 3, Never Back Down can also be used for the rare stunning of a villain during their phase. In multiplayer, block for the first player playing Never Back Down. As long as the villain doesn't have an original ATK of 3 or more, you can guarantee it hits. Even so, they need a high boost card (and you could still play other cards too to help mitigate). Then the 2nd player will be protected from the villain attack due to the Stun.

Preemptive Strike and Side Step should allow you to prevent villain attacks of 6 when you defend in most cases, and Desperate Defense will ready you if the villain hits for 5 or less. Just in case, you could swap in an Energy Barrier, but I prefer the Med Team in case some indirect damage gets through.

Unflappable and Hard To Ignore x 3 should trigger at some point during your turn, drawing another card, and removing 3 threat.


Aug 21, 2021 celric · 441

Having an Armored Vest is so much more reliable than hoping you have a Preemptive Strike or Side Step in hand against the harder hitting villain’s and you only have to pay for it once.

Also, in multiplayer, yoinking the Quinncarrier for a reliable Black Widow resource is griefing your game unless your teammates are all guardians.