CA - Stun and Confuse Lock Pairing with Venom

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

rebelrob · 3

Made for a 2 player hand (would probably be okay solo) where Venom has a confuse lock deck. Then you alternate every round who is alter ego and who is hero form.

Strategy: play a stun event every round. If you have two in hand, save one for next round. Iron Fist when played sits until you get around without a stun event. Fury and Voodoo can help you look for some if you get a hand without any.

A few notes here is that Black Widow and either Quincarrier or Enhanced Awareness are clutch here because it helps you control the encounter cards (Venom will also have Coulson and Spycraft to help there too). Unflappable and armored vest are the first to be replaced when better cards come. I mostly wanted cheap upgrades to get down to cycle the deck for the stun events. They could be good for blocking minions. Never Back down also could be replaced because ideally you are never getting attacked, but at this moment I couldn't think of anything better. Maybe some more 0 or 1 cost upgrades?