Star-Lord leadership pair w Gamora aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

JacobisQuickflash · 1

This particular deck revolves around getting a handful of powerful allies into play then keeping them in play for as long as possible. Drax and Groot have high hit points made even higher through supports, upgrades, and tough statuses. Yondo can ping every turn without taking damage and that ping damage can be increased via laser pistol and the leadership events.

The deck is still very much a work in progress. Cards which will most likely be replaced as of now are Knowhere and Booster Boots. They don't seem to add much to the deck and I'll most likely change them out for either low cost allies or an additional Ready for Action and Lead from the Front.


Jul 18, 2021 neothechosen · 10624

Was looking forwar to a deck using "Welcome Aboard"! Question though: why Call for Aid, it only works for Avengers and youhave none?

Jul 24, 2021 JacobisQuickflash · 1

That must have been a mistake entry (I had a glitch when originally entering the deck causing a lot of my entries to uncheck. It's supposed to be Blaze of Glory.