Unkillable Spider-Man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Deft Webs - Spider-Man / Aggression 371 306 10 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Cogahan · 27

Even though this is an entirely different aspect from the inspiration, that deck finally gave me a few ideas for a protection deck for Peter Parker.


Try to get out Multiple Man, when he is in your hand and one isn't already in the graveyard. He gives you three options on summon, and then defense for days, giving you enough time to play other allies, or get other upgrades up and running. Also, Quincarrier is incredibly powerful, and has absolute top priority over every other upgrade/support, since it makes your important Defense Events free.

Other cards

Feel free to add a few copies of Indomitable or Defensive Stance (my personal favorite being Indomitable, since it's so cheap and does basically the same thing as D. Stance, if you defend). I didn't to keep the deck size as low as possible.

Bait and Switch has stupid Synergy with Spider-Man, making it basically a must-have for him on Protection, and all of it's counterparts (Toe to Toe and Swift Retribution, even though Swift Retribution doesn't make the villain attack you). Adding a 3rd copy of it is recommended, although not necessary if you want the deck to stay at 40

Even though Energy Barrier is a good card, it didn't feel as good as with other Heroes, so I don't really recommend it, although its excellent against pesky Minions