Star-Lord Pew Pew and Friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

lunarbiscuit · 59

This deck managed to beat Nebula first time around along with Aggro Thor during our campaign run-through. Really solid recursion of cheap allies that provide card advantage, chump blocking and decent threat removal.

Ally Choices:

  • Maria Hill - Each player draws a card for one, perfect target for regroup to play again next turn or Make The Call - she is basically always out thwarting, chumping and drawing cards! Who would of thought... Maria Hill is a busted card?!?

  • Ironheart - Even a slightly worse Maria Hill is still insane.

  • Gamora - More card advantage, also deck thinning if Regroup's are all spent out. She can be a good target for Star-Lord shenanigans for big combo plays as a 3-cost.

  • Ant Man - Variable cost is really strong, though really is it here to play it for 1 or 2, get some value out of it, and chump block to get it back in my hand with...


Well I instantly changed my campaign deck to be all around this card. I think it is nuts. The thing that made leadership broken before was the power of chump blocking, and this incentives you to do so for VALUE! (It also works on other player allies! WHAT)

Most of my turns ending up being similar to the following:

Play Maria Hill and Ironheart - draw two cards (maybe one more with Knowhere), thwart with my allies, build using the cards I drew or spend resources somewhere else, play Regroup - Villain phase chump block for me and player 2 to return Iron heart and Maria Hill to my hand to play them again next around (If I have regroup I can start the loop again). If Gamora is around, play her for free - hope to find a regroup if not in hand already.

Incredible value with little risk. With Make the Call the deck is very consistently doing what it wants to do - buying time ready for the big sliding shot plays to end the game!

Really fun little combo deck, however this style of leadership feels like classic leadership rather than the new guardian vibe we were starting to see - which is kind of a shame, but this is a powerful deck that can crunch through the campaign.

(p.s have not played Ronan yet)