The Red Dagger Shuffle

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Onions · 80

I have been inspired by dr00's amazing deck to create a different sort of Ms. Marvel Leadership deck: one starring Red Dagger.

Over time, there have been several decks with a similar principal to this one: play a specific signature ally almost every turn. It's usually with Hawkeye or She-Hulk, but I have never seen it with Ms. Marvel.

The Dagger Himself:

Red Dagger is a powerful ally even without his ability. The versatility of a 3 hit point, 2 attack, 2 thwart ally is nigh unmatched. But his ability allows you to use him like Mockingbird. Defend with him, then pull him back to your hand to play again. But Red Dagger provides an additional effect: two damage. Every time. Granted, it is more expensive to recur him, but this deck has ways to make it manageable and a lot of fun.

The Supporting Cast:

The other allies here are meant to fill in the gaps that Red Dagger leaves and fuel Strength in Numbers. Maria Hill and Ironheart provide card draw, Hawkeye and Squirrel Girl assist with minions, and Ant-Man is extremely versatile.


Get Ready is here to speed Red Dagger's demise so he can be played again. Last Stand works very well with Red Dagger because unlike Mockingbird, his ability can trigger no matter how he dies. Make the Call works with Teen Spirit and can help if Red Dagger ever enters the discard pile. And Strength in Numbers will combine with Ms. Marvel's supports for crazy turns.

Dealing with the Cost:

Recurring Red Dagger is very expensive. Luckily, this deck is very cheap, with 15 0-cost cards and only 3 cards than cost more than 2. Still, this deck runs TBE, Helicarrier, and Avenger's Mansion to smooth the cost.

What About Ms. Marvel?:

With all this focus on Red Dagger, what about Ms. Marvel? Truthfully, I don't think it is that important to stack all of her decks with attack, thwart, and defense events. She has 8 already, and she can dig for them with Teen Spirit. With Deft Focus (thanks dr00), she can play them for half price. And as I mentioned before, Strength in Numbers is isn't only here to help with Red Dagger. If you start in alter-ego with your supports and play Strength in Numbers, you could flip to hero mode with up to 14 cards!


May 27, 2021 TonyStark · 47

Love the concept. I'll probably give it a go sometime. Two small points of clarification:

1) It does still matter how Red Dagger dies. He has to be "defeated", and discarding does not count as defeat. So just make sure you use Last Stand with his last hit point, so he is defeated by consequential damage before being discarded by Last Stand (unless somehow consequential damage is even after "after that attack resolves", in which case this combo super doesn't work).

2) Big Hands is a Superpower, but Sneak By is not, so only the former works with TBE (though it can help put out Embiggen! and Shrink as well).

May 27, 2021 dr00 · 44360

glad to see more leadership ms marvel love! I must admit that I don't use Red Dagger nearly enough, but I really should

May 28, 2021 DukeWellington · 5278

It seems like you think you can exhaust her support cards to draw when playing Strength in Numbers. That doesn't work. Strength in Numbers specifically says to exhaust allies and her support cards are personnas, sorry.

May 28, 2021 dr00 · 44360

@TonyStark actually you're right, Last Stand doesn't work with Rapid Response regardless of how much HP the ally has

Consequential damage is dealt to an ally after resolving abilities that are triggered by the ally attacking or thwarting.

so Last Stand will always discard before the consequential damage is applied

still a great concept though! i'm definitely going to try to give Red Dagger another look with Leadership tools.

May 28, 2021 Onions · 80

To Duke Wellington: I am not exhausting the supports for SiN. But Bruno and Ahmir together can draw 4 cards. Combine that with Teen Spirit, Avengers Mansion, and two cards netted from SiN, that's 8 additional cards.

May 29, 2021 adsarf · 454

I do like Hellcat recursion decks so this is an interesting concept, but it isn't as easy as with Hellcat. Paying one net card for 2 damage isn't bad value but eats into your hand, which you've addressed with Strength In Numbers. That still leaves the 'when defeated' timing which is much less flexible than Hellcat's. In my experience Ms Marvel is happy to take damage because she has such high REC and is going in to alter ego anyway, so having Red Dagger take a villain hit is probably less valuable than his thwarting, especially as threat is usually highest on turns when you start in AE and end in Hero.

I'm wondering whether Rapid Response might not be an option - 3 resources rather than 5 to recur Red Dagger and you still get 4 THW or 2 THW+block.

What value are you getting out of Team-Building Exercise?

May 30, 2021 Onions · 80

Both Red Dagger and Ms. Marvel are Champions.