
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vehicle.

Cost: 6.

Uses (2 supply counters).

Action: Exhaust The Pericles and remove 1 supply counter from it → give a hero or villain a status card of your choice. Give an ally or minion a status card of your choice.

Sebastián Guidobono
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #20.
No image

I believe this is the worst hellicarrair. As four tough are not worth 6 resources. See: Muster Courage. Which costs 3. And gives 1-3 tough. And it never sees play......................................................

ZaneBrick · 95
2 ER is the going rate for a tough status, so 4 for 7 ER is totally fine. The tempo is more concerning to me, at least in solo, but the value is definitely there. — Stretch22 · 975
This is a good example of why context matters rather than dismissing cards outright due to raw efficiency calculations. Notice it says "status" cards, not just tough, and you can place it on any characters. Campaign boxes generally give you the tools you need for the scenarios they introduce. Check out the Batroc scenario with the new Vulnernable keyword. You are incentivized to stun or confuse vulnerable minions to keep the alert level down. This will help with that. — erikw1984 · 29
Am I mis-reading the card ? This card seems vastly impressive and efficient. I'm reading this as you get 2 counters that provide TWO statuses each for a total of FOUR total. In a simple scenario I can stun the villian AND give my ally a tough - giving me a great chance in some scenarios in solo to go back to back turns avoiding damage from the villian potentially. Then , I get to do it *again* with the second counter ?!?! BROKE! (am I wrong)? — 3t1j4 · 1
^ Point being that's potentially 4 consecutive turns of no villian damage (assuming no other damage sources). That's a crazy amount of buffer to give yourself. — 3t1j4 · 1
You're reading it right, @3t1j4. You can even keep adding a counter to it each round with Maria Hill's hero action, assuming you have another shield support in play — erikw1984 · 29
outside of Maria Hill you get 2 uses. for a total of 4 status cards. for that cost and the amount of buildup to play it. The Pericles does not pay off. compared to avenger decks be able to get 3 toughs for 4er from muster courage or even We are Groot (from Groot hero deck. — ZaneBrick · 95
I think this card is far superior to Muster Courage and We are Groot in that MC shines only in later villian stages plus has trait restriction and also WaG depends on counters. It's not a fair 1:1 comparison if you have to take into account additional factors not inherently built into the card itself. Additionally, the serial nature of this card being able to work turn after turn is phenomenal. Bonus points for it also being readily available to use on demand. — 3t1j4 · 1
Real question tho - when you exhaust it - can you complete the action if you have no ally/minion? — 3t1j4 · 1
Yes, the cost is everything in the text to the left of the cost arrow, so you could exhaust it, use a token, and only partially resolve the effect, e.g. apply a status card to your hero without needing a minion/ally in play for the other status. — erikw1984 · 29
the cost is removing a counter. after completing the cost you proceed to do as much as possible. so I believe you dont need an ally/minion in play. (someone feel free to correct this is the RAW says differently.) — ZaneBrick · 95
This aged well. — Dawncaller · 85
The Iliad and this card are competing for the most OP cards in the game. — phtephen · 8

As usual, things that give options are being associated with the cost of what something would be if only a single option were used (and always the cheapest, strangely enough. never do they only compare it to the more expensive option).

Here we have a PROTECTION card that can confuse the Villain. That is not a very common thing (nor should it be if you are trying to maintain aspect identity and style to any degree). This Support allows you to deal with the situation at hand. A tough token on a hero, a confuse token on the Villain, and a stun token on a villain are all clearly utilized in different situations depending on what keyword abilities the Villain may have.

But it also gives a minion or ally a status token. You may not have enough damage to clear an elite minion, and so can slap them with a stun to buy you a round. Or you can keep an ally with retaliate going for longer, which can tactically intercept attacks from other tough enemies and not only clear the attack, but clear the token.

So while you can have a limited view of this being a "tough" token generator, that is inaccurately accessing the card. It's a swiss army knife that can shut down a villain on 4 separate activations, and a rare protection card that can let you flip down to AE for a breather and a surge of resources. It also is an "action" in protection, and gets players one step closer to building the "support" deck that is hard to come by in that aspect. I would actually go as far to say that a Maria Hill Protection Build could achieve this if desired at this juncture.

Earth Dragon · 1589