Villain. Stage 3

Mutant. Biomorph.

Attack: 3. Scheme: 2. Health: 24.

Apocalypse's attacks gain overkill.

Forced Response: After Apocalypse changes to this form, deal 3 indirect damage to each player.

"Now I claim my destiny!"
Andrea Di Vito & Laura Villari
Age of Apocalypse #186. En Sabah Nur #1.
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Villain. Stage 3

Mutant. Cyberpath.

Attack: 2. Scheme: 3. Health: 24.

Retaliate 1.

Forced Response: After Apocalypse changes to this form, place 3 threat on each scheme in play.

"I have judged you and found you wanting."
Andrea Di Vito & Laura Villari
Age of Apocalypse #186. En Sabah Nur #1.
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