주요 음모. Stage 1
Starting Threat: 1. Escalation Threat: 1.
Threat: 8.
Within his high-tech pyramid, Apocalypse prepares for his ascension.

Forced Response: After resolving step 1 of the villain phase, place 1 power counter here. If there are at least 4 power counters here, the first player removes 4 of them and discards cards from the top of the encounter deck until a Superpower card is discarded and reveal it.

Facundo Moyano
Age of Apocalypse #147. En Sabah Nur #4.
En Sabah Nur's Pyramid
주요 음모. Stage 1

Contents: Apocalypse (I) and Apocalypse (II). (Apocalypse (II) and Apocalypse (III) for expert mode.) En Sabah Nur and Standard sets. Two modular sets (Celestial Tech and Clan Akkaba).

Setup: Apocalypse begins the game in Biomorph form. Deal each player a facedown encounter card.

En Sabah Nur's Pyramid

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