Cost: 1.

You get +2 hit points.

X-23 gains retaliate 1 and her basic attacks gain piercing.

X-23's claws are coated with the metal adamantium, making them incredibly sharp and nearly indestructible.
Sebastián Guidobono
X-23 #9. X-23 #12.
Adamantium Lacing

I don't think enough credit is given to Retaliate in Marvel Champions.

We spend so much time trying to come up with huge swings and recursive exploits that I think a slow and steady source of damage often gets lost in the mix.

Adamantium lacing not only provides that steady incremental damage, it also gives X-23 more HP and adds Piercing to her basic attack. And all for one resource!

I cannot tell you how awesome this is. But I am going to try anyway.

First of all, X-23 is designed, from the ground up, to rely on basic actions. While other heroes dodge and weave, X-23 attacks repeatedly and often. This makes piercing huge, as she relies on it to ensure she deals direct damage.

But what we often overlook is the fact that, depending on your play style, X-23 may be defending more than once per round. This makes her retaliate more significant.

This is a great card.

MacGhille · 229