Villain. Stage 2


Attack: 2. Scheme: 3. Health: 14.

When Revealed: In player order, each player must choose to either put the top card of their deck faceup into The Collection or take 3 damage.

Forced Interrupt: When a card (player or encounter) would be placed into a discard pile from play, put it faceup into The Collection instead.

Galaxy's Most Wanted(은하계에 가장 필요한 일) #71. Collector 1 #2.
  • Collector Galaxy's Most Wanted(은하계에 가장 필요한 일) #70
  • Collector Galaxy's Most Wanted(은하계에 가장 필요한 일) #72
  • Collector Galaxy's Most Wanted(은하계에 가장 필요한 일) #80
  • Collector Galaxy's Most Wanted(은하계에 가장 필요한 일) #80
  • Collector Galaxy's Most Wanted(은하계에 가장 필요한 일) #81
  • Collector Galaxy's Most Wanted(은하계에 가장 필요한 일) #81

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