

Cost: 3.

히어로 행동(공격): 하수인 하나에게 피해 6점을 입힙니다. 이번 공격으로 입힌 초과 피해마다, 주요 음모에서 위협을 1만큼 제거합니다.

Galaxy's Most Wanted(은하계에 가장 필요한 일) #42.
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This is one of the few actually good aggression attack events. I tend to find aggression a rather weak aspect and treasure good cards like this which can really make an impact on the game.

Tactically, the key to understanding this card is that, since a point of thwart is better than a point of damage, whenever possible you really want to use your other attacks to reduce the minion down to one or two hit points before you hit them with Into the Fray, in order to maximize the amount of threat removal.

cnalexander · 132