
Item. Tech.

Cost: 1.

Enters play with 2 charge counters on it.

Action: Exhaust Battery Pack → move a charge counter from this card to another tech upgrade you control.

Galaxy's Most Wanted(은하계에 가장 필요한 일) #34. Rocket Raccoon #8-9.
Battery Pack

Probably the best target for Rocket's Tinkering ability. I wonder if it works with some "generic" tech upgrades (such as Energy Barrier) or if it has to target another upgrade which uses "charge counters" (limiting it to just recharge his own weapons)

Can anybody clear that ?

wehehe · 228
It would not work with Energy Barrier because it does not use charge counters. It would work for Sonic Rifle, for example, which does use charge counters — Stretch22 · 870