
갑옷. 과학.

Cost: 2.

Captain Marvel은 방어 +1을 받습니다(당신에게 공중 특성이 있다면 대신 방어 +2를 받습니다).

"완전 멋져!" -- Jessica Drew
기본판 #16. Captain Marvel #11.
Captain Marvel 헬멧


  • If you don’t have Aerial, this costs 3 ER (Effective Resources) for only 1 DEF, which is terrible.
  • What makes it even worse is that it brings Captain Marvel only to 2 DEF, which means defending has to compete with Captain Marvel’s equally useful thwarting and attacking.
  • If you do have Aerial, 3 ER for +2 DEF is good value.
  • Being able to get to 3 DEF means that there is definitely a High DEF-Archetype available to Captain Marvel.
  • Since you need Aerial for this card to be worth playing, you need to add the subjective cost of getting the Aerial keyword, which depends on the value Aerial adds to your whole card pool.
  • Unfortunately the card is only worth playing in a Captain Marvel Protection build.
  • See my Cosmic Flight review to read my full thoughts on Captain Marvel’s Aerial options.

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Francois · 220