
도구. 과학.

Cost: 1.

하수인에게 장착합니다.

강제 난입: 장착된 하수인이 격파될 때, 음모 하나에서 위협을 3만큼 제거합니다.

기본판 #7. Spider-Man #10-11.
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  • Spider-Man’s only threat control card.
  • For 2 ER (Effective Resources) you get 3 threat removal, which is a very good ratio.
  • The fact that this card requires a Minion makes it conditional.
  • This means this is a good card against heavy Minion decks, otherwise it is too conditional if/when you get to play it.
  • A corner case cheap upgrade to discard to Caught Off Guard.

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Francois · 220

Now that so many heroes have come out, I find it even more baffling that this is the only threat removal card in Spider-Man's deck. The threat/ER ratio is 1.5, which would have been good... if only it weren't conditional. The immediate comparison is Chase Them Down, which offers a hefty threat/ER ratio of 2 basically at the same conditions (of course there are hidden factors, like the fact that Spider-Tracer is an attachment so it offers more flexibility, but still I don't think it's worth the lower ratio).

All in all, I think this card is quite mediocre and depends too much on the presence of minions. What's even worse is that this card alone makes Spider-Man almost unplayable in Solo with aspects other than Justice, unless against minion-heavy encounter decks, which is honestly quite a shame.

I tend to house-rule that this card is still an upgrade but it doesn't need to be attached to a minion. Instead, the text reads as "Action: Discard this card --> remove 2 threat from a scheme." I find it much more enjoyable and flexible, and it makes Spider-Man more playable with different aspects.

Michebugio · 13