The Luck of the Draw

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lundermyskin · 2

Domino's ability is super strong for consistent damage if she gets built out.

This deck prioritizes three cards, Probability Field, which lets her basic abilities get extra points from a discard card. It's her most valuable card in the entire deck followed by her pistols.

This deck prioritizes discarding as many two to three resource cards from the top of your deck as possible. 90% of the cards in this deck, when discarded from the top of your deck will be worth two or three resources!

Only White Fox (which is put into play when discarded from the deck and is Posse trait), Sharpshooter (which adds even more damage to her pistols), Healing Factor (which keeps the 'Pool resource cards pulling high resources), and Stick-to-Itiveness (which will always be usable due to all the wild cards in the deck) have one resource. Thankfully Domino has the abilities to put them aside with The Painted Lady, or in Alter Ego to switch the top card of the discard pile with one in your hand, so they're easily accessible if discarded from the deck.

I find this to be an incredibly powerful deck, and when really churning I easily get ridiculous and consistent damage each turn. Have fun!